Here I sit, the rest of the house asleep. Nothing but the hum of electronics and the ticking of the clock disturb the quiet. Oh, except my neighbor, who is apparently dragging his garbage can down the entire alley. Sigh.
I've tried blogging before, but have never really "got" how to make it work. So I'm trying again. Basically, I want to connect with people out there who are creatively-minded. I'm a working mom, have a very precocious almost-4-year-old, and never have enough time to do all the things I want to do. The "have-tos" get in the way sometimes...I have to go to the grocery store, I have to do laundry, I have to unload the dishwasher, etc.
But my poor little head is so full of ideas and things I want to create that sometimes I have a hard time going to sleep at night. And I want to know if there are others out there like me, who can't seem to get enough opportunity to make all the things you want. I have come to a point in my life where I realize that I may never complete all the things I've bought patterns for, and that hoarding the supplies with which to make them might be a problem.
So...if your sewing space/craft space/office overflows with bits of thread, yarn, fabric, and your vacuum sounds like a rain stick when you clean that space, you are a kindred spirit! Let's talk!
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