Monday, June 27, 2011

Yessss! Vacation!

I don't entirely feel like I'm on vacation yet, but...I'm enjoying the opportunity to keep whatever hours I want.  Although the little barnacle does wake me up earlier than I'd her mind, she's letting me sleep in!  She's happier, too...I think she got pretty worn out by the end of the school year.  In fact, the first thing she did was come down with a cold.  She was a little clingy cough machine yesterday, but has improved today.  She's been able to play all day and not have to go anywhere, and that makes her happy.

I've been able to do some organizing of patterns, and play around with yarns, etc.  I made a little sleeveless top in size 10 crochet cotton for an 8" doll using a pattern from Knit and Crochet for Small Dolls by Marjory Fainges.  Too cute!  It is the yellow/orange top you see on the cover:

I've started the pair of jodphurs, too.  My mom wants those!  This is a great little book--although I think some of the patterns are a bit more involved than I'd like for small dolls--lots of tails to weave in a small space.  I don't mind seaming, but I do mind tails. 
Anyway, I made the top in white DMC Baroque crochet cotton, size 10.  It was my first attempt at making a scalloped edging, too, and I'm so thrilled with it that I want to make more!  It turned out pretty cute.  I'm going to make a little tiered skirt to go with it:

I didn't intend to show dolly nudity, here...just wanted to show the top.  I'm considering a skirt in the peachy floral, and capris out of the blue-green print.  The peach floral is a pima cotton print from Farmhouse Fabrics, and the blue/green floral is a printed cotton pique I picked up at the Sewing Expo from Genevieve's many years ago.  I haven't seen Genevieve in a while...I think she may have retired.  But I bought some beautiful fabrics from her...and I still hoard them!  The piles of stuff stacked around my table is pretty standard for my working area--multiple projects in the works!

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